This is your last week without a normal post. I figured New Year’s Day was a day for most people to be thinking about what they want out of the year, and making whatever resolutions that they desire. This is one of the places that psychopaths and neurotypicals differ, and it becomes a glaring difference every year.
Many people put a lot of emotional stock into this time of year. Be it to regret the year prior, decide that they will live their lives differently in the coming year, or simply spend time with family.
For me, the entirety of this day is reminding myself, that when required, I need to change the date that I write, and also having to figure out what businesses are closed because as baffling as it is to me, it is apparently a holiday.
If you celebrate, have a lovely day. If you did last night, have fun nursing that hangover. Either way, in the comments section, let me know if you have any topics you want me to cover in the future, or any questions that you might have for me that you would like a post on.
Other than that, have a lovely day, and see you next week.
Hey Athena, could you write a post about your boundaries in relationships with long term partners? Specifically your views on fuck boys and narcissitc types who mess women around? What to look out for, what makes them tick, what prevents people getting abused by them etc. This is especially for people who have abandonment issues and to help them protect themselves. How do you respond to being chatted up? What would you do if you saw your man flirting with someone else? Would it bother you? If not why not? So much can be written about this subject on conquering men who want to mess women around. Thanks and Happy New year.
Happy New Year Athena.
Your timing there was spot on. I can think myself down at this time of year. I’m always nervous for what lies ahead, not so much for me but for my parents, kids, and even the dog. I wonder if he’ll be with me next Christmas now that he’s an old boy.
Your post made me laugh, because you’re so immune to thoughts like that. A different perspective. I suppose a topic might be along the lines of ‘ things neurotypicals worry about and why’ and then your view on it. Emotions aren’t logical, sometimes it helps just to hear the logical voice.