I can't believe his peers accept his unfounded and disturbing views. To spew fiction as fact is a dangerous precedent and should never have been allowed.

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Indeed, I agree

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Yeah, I rolled my eyes back so far I saw my brain.

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Articles like this will, in time, inspire late night ambulance chaser lawyers to shill for eye rolling injuries.

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Getting back to your comment,

most will have a horrible experience if untrained. It's on them.

Don't think any sound-minded attorney (oxymoron) would take the case.

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1st comment

Being able to roll one's eyes back to view your brain is an acquired skill.

Perhaps genetic predisposition comes into play.

Being a tax preparer and a former Dominatrix has provided ample training time.

Plus, I'm ambidextrous.

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I bet. I can see why that would be a skill that you are well familiar with

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But of course, Athena. I'm very qualified.

And why aren't you POTUS?

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Good lord, no way I want anything to do with public office of any kind

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People like him want to have a handy boogeyman to conjure up and rally people against.

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I agree. It is so much easier to do that, instead of looking at the darkness within

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So do you think he's scared to actually look at his own self or is he just lazy with a desire to be put on a pedestal?

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Hmm, I think that this is a combination of things. I do think that there is a good amount of projection in the article, but so much ego as well.

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I think some psychopaths like Jeffery Dahmer lie and are good actors. He never felt any of the things he said he did. He did, however, enjoy the fame & attention. My opinion on him.

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He wasn't a psychopath. He had borderline personality disorder. BPD and psychopathy can never overlap. He had deep, long-lasting emotions that troubled him his entire life.

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I will take what you are saying here into consideration and take a deeper dive into the pathology of Jeffery Dahmer. I love it when people challenge my perception. Let me look at him through the lense of this possibility, and if I conclude you are correct I won't comment again on this matter. As an artist, I LOVE perspectives that go against the grain of our troubled & misinformed population. I am a HUGE fan of your writing BECAUSE it challenges me. Thank you for the response & ideas for material. When I get ideas from you, I always credit you for them. If this turns out ti ba a great artistic piece, I will for sure give credit where credit is due.

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Dahmer is not a psychopath. That is a fact.

Hollywood’s obsession with serial killers, insisting they are all psychopaths, is for ratings. In reality, almost all of the most horrific crimes are committed by men who are sociopathic, have borderline personality disorders, are sadists, have post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. Most also have a history of abuse. This is fact.

Psychopaths do not feel emotion like neurotypicals do. They do not get angry, or afraid. They don’t fall in love, feel guilt, feel hope. I think there is a very short continuum as far as ‘feelings’ go, for a psychopath. In my research, and reading Ms. Walkers’ writing, it seems they can feel very mild states of boredom, slight amusement, a bit of annoyance, and none of it is long-lasting. They are calm, cool, collected - all the time. As someone who gets depressed, fears death, grew up in an abusive environment - I sometimes envy the psychopath.

I’d rather a psychopath neurosurgeon operate on me than a neurotypical one, that’s for sure.

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Me too

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